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Services offered include leadership and employee engagement coaching, utilising motivational mapping. Additionally, coaching tailored to personal development and navigating the non-financial aspects of retirement and redundancy transitions.
What we do
Personal Elevator Coaching Programme
PEP is a personalised growth programme for individuals looking to develop personally and professionally.
Employee Engagement using Motivational Mapping
Motivational Mapping assists individuals and organisations in leveraging motivation insights to boost performance, engagement, communication, development, recruitment, and well-being.
Retirement Redesigned programme
Retirement Redesigned programme is a non-financial coaching programme for executives and senior managers, to help them overcome the challenges of retirement or redundancy.
Meet Lynn
About Lynn
I was gifted empathy & never ending curiosity combine that with experience and learning and that is what makes me the coach I am
I am qualified as a Therapeutic Coach and NLP Master Practitioner, a Timeline Therapist and a Motivational Map Expert.
I am one of less than +70 people worldwide with that combination of skills. The combined number of my clients overall is +250 people worldwide.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the most adaptable to change."
Charles Darwin
What our clients say..
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